OncoSwab uses nasal fluids and saliva, eliminating discomfort associated with more invasive procedures
Point-of-care friendly
Allows individuals to perform the test themselves without the need for specialized medical personnel.
Targeted screening
Designed for individuals who have high chances of developing lung cancer
Designed as a low-cost screening test, enhancing affordability and accessibility for a broader population
About lung cancer
The earlier, the better
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and early detection is key to survival. Join us as we explore the world of early stage lung cancer and discover the importance and new technological options for early detection.
about lung cancer
What is science saying about lung cancer screening?
Screening for lung cancer can increase the chances of finding the cancer early, when it is more likely to be treatable.
- Studies indicate that the current screening selection might be already too late for an effective treatment
- Learn about, disease progression, new technologies, scientific studies and prevention methods