At OncoSwab, our mission has always been to revolutionize cancer diagnostics and improve patient outcomes. We’re committed to staying at the forefront of innovation, which is why we’re excited to announce our participation in the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program. This decision reflects our dedication to understanding the market better and engaging with key stakeholders to take our cancer diagnostics technology to the next level.
The NSF’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship extends beyond the boundaries of I-Corps itself. It involves piloting innovative approaches, such as integrating I-Corps training into other NSF programs that conduct market research for commercial applications. These programs include the Partnerships for Innovation program, the Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers program, and America’s Seed Fund powered by NSF. This integration ensures that the spirit of entrepreneurship continues to infuse various facets of the NSF’s initiatives.
During our participation in the I-Corps program, our primary goals include:
Conducting a remarkable 100 customer interviews with healthcare providers, oncologists, and patients to gain deep insights into their needs and preferences in cancer diagnostics.
Assessing the market potential for our innovative cancer diagnostics technology.
Refining our product based on the valuable feedback and insights we gather.
Exploring potential partnerships and investment opportunities.
Advancing our entrepreneurial skills to drive the commercialization of our technology.
At OncoSwab, our commitment to improving cancer diagnostics remains unwavering. With the support of the I-Corps program, we’re poised to take significant steps toward making a positive impact on the lives of cancer patients and healthcare providers. Together, we’re working towards a future where cancer is detected early, treated effectively, and lives are saved.